Logotype ve Ambalaj Tasarımı

Poliüretan aerosol köpükler, derz dolgu ürünleri, kırtasiye amaçlı yapıştırıcılar, teknik ve endüstriyel yapıştırıcılar ve teknik aerosol ürünler başta olmak üzere geniş bir ürün gamı ile müşterilerine ulaşan Akfix için hazırladığımız logotype ve ambalaj tasarımları.


Logotype design and packaging designs for Akfix.

Akfix focused on developing eco-friendly, life-esteem chemical products and technologies to create permanent solutions for customer needs. Developing different products on different customer needs, Akfix serves to his customers a wide product range of: Polyurethane aerosol foams, sealants, paperwork adhesives, technical and industrial adhesives, technical aerosol products.


We undertake all types of design work within digital and printed media and have extensive experience in serving business and creative needs across a range of disciplines and platforms.
We create websites, web applications, iOS & Android applications, e-commerce solutions, mobile sites, cross-platform publishing and social media solutions. Our interactive solutions partner is IDEA. For more information www.ideatr.com
We see brand strategy as the key to the foundation of solid brands and always seek to define clear strategic goals at the outset of any project.
We consider identity design to be the core of a brand's personality, and create strong, consistent brands across all platforms.
We develop and execute campaigns both in print and online but, regardless of the platform, ultimately we consider everything we do to be advertising of one kind or another.