Microwave Popcorn Ambalajları
Microdalga fırında 3 dakika içerisinde hazırlanabilen popcorn ürünü için ambalaj ve poster tasarımı. Tek bir ambalajın ön ve arka taraflarında farklı görseller kullanılarak, rafta daha fazla görünürlük alınması hedeflenmiştir. Ambalaj üzerindeki illüstrasyonlarda filmlerde kullanılan ejderha ve uzay gemisi figürleri kullanılmıştır.

The packaging design and poster design for microwave popcorn. The packaging has 2 different sides for effective shelf coverage. The illustrations include film strips around a dragon and a rocket in reference to movies.

We undertake all types of design work within digital and printed media and have extensive experience in serving business and creative needs across a range of disciplines and platforms.
We create websites, web applications, iOS & Android applications, e-commerce solutions, mobile sites, cross-platform publishing and social media solutions. Our interactive solutions partner is IDEA. For more information www.ideatr.com
We see brand strategy as the key to the foundation of solid brands and always seek to define clear strategic goals at the outset of any project.
We consider identity design to be the core of a brand's personality, and create strong, consistent brands across all platforms.
We develop and execute campaigns both in print and online but, regardless of the platform, ultimately we consider everything we do to be advertising of one kind or another.